Who can nominate a volunteer for an award?
Anyone can! That’s right, parents/caregivers, girls, volunteers, and even a community member may nominate a volunteer for an award. The nominator needs to know how the volunteer has impacted Girl Scouts or the community, the award criteria, and be willing to coordinate the nomination packet (ensuring all pieces of the packet are completed and submitted to the Girl Scout Council by Sept. 1).
What is the difference between a nominator and an endorser?
Nominator: A nominator needs to know of the volunteer’s service and is the coordinator of the nomination packet pieces. Each award nomination requires endorsements. The nominator is the coordinator of the people who complete the endorsement forms and is the main contact for the nomination if there are questions or missing pieces. Included in the nomination form is also information for endorsement. They also ensure all pieces of the nomination packet are submitted online before Sept. 1. Only one nominator is needed for each award.
Endorser: An endorser knows the volunteer’s service and can speak to the impact of the work. An endorser completes the endorsement form related to the award for which the volunteer is being nominated. They provide specific information about the volunteer’s service, ensuring that it meets the award criteria and shows how the volunteer’s service impacted girls, volunteers, and/or the community. Different awards have different required numbers of endorsers. This is a separate person from the nominator. A nominator cannot be counted as one of the required endorsers.
When and where are awards given to volunteers?
Volunteers are recognized with both GSUSA and Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council awards in front of their peers at the annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition event. This event is planned and implemented by Council staff working together and usually takes place in October. Locations can vary.
Why does the volunteer need to be a registered member of Girl Scouts?
Girl Scouts is a membership organization, and this means that, to be considered, being a registered volunteer in any role is required. In the GSUSA Blue Book of Basic Documents, it states, “to participate in Girl Scouts you must be a member.” Volunteers are participants; therefore, they must be registered members to qualify for any nominated award or earned recognition.
The award criteria states that the volunteer must be a member in good standing. What does this mean?
Any volunteer receiving an award must be following the council’s policies and guidelines. As an award recipients, they are being held up as a role model. Good standing status: the volunteer has met all eligibility for being an appointed volunteer, including being a registered member and having a current background check on file (if their role requires one). The volunteer has no outstanding cases or concerns related to their service.
How are award recipients chosen?
A volunteer selection committee with representation from all regions across the council reviews nomination packets and makes a decision based on how the nomination information presented fits the criteria for the award. The committee remains anonymous and keeps all information surrounding the review process confidential. If you would like to serve on this short-term volunteer committee, please email recognitions@girlscoutsaz.org.
What is the difference between a Girl Scout Membership Pin and the Years of Service Pin?
Volunteers earn these two appreciation recognitions. They do not require a nomination or endorsement. The volunteer wishing to receive any of these two pins needs to complete the online request form.
Membership Year Pin—this is a numeral guard that is worn with the Girl Scout pin and recognizes both girl and adult membership years. Pins are given in 5-year intervals. Volunteers may submit this form themselves or a Service Unit may submit the form if they are presenting the pin to the volunteer at a ceremony. Volunteers receiving 40+ year pins will be recognized at the annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition event held by Council. To be recognized at the event, pin requests must be received by Sept 1.
Years of Service Pin—this is a pin that recognizes years of service as a volunteer and is given in 5-year intervals. Council will distribute this pin to volunteers who have served 20+ years and recognize them at the annual Volunteer Appreciation and Recognition event. To be recognized at the event, pin requests must be received by Sept. 1.
Can a staff member nominate or endorse a volunteer for an award?
The philosophy of Girl Scouts–Arizona Cactus-Pine Council award process is that the volunteer appreciation awards should be driven by volunteers, and all decisions related to the selection of awards is made by volunteers. This means that volunteers are nominated and endorsed by volunteers, and the review of awards packets and the decision for awarding recognitions is done by volunteers. The only time a staff member should be nominating or endorsing a volunteer is when there are not enough other volunteers who know the volunteer’s service or the service was done in such a way that it would be difficult to complete the nomination packet without their endorsement. Candidates that fall into this category include (however not limited to): program facilitators, learning facilitators, board members, and council-wide volunteers.